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Smoldering neuroinflammation starts at disease onset and increasingly drives disability accumulation1,2 

The relative contribution of both acute and smoldering neuroinflammation shifts as patients progress from RRMS to naSPMS.1,3

Biological changes in the prodromal phase of MS and microglial activation in clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)/radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS) demonstrate that smoldering neuroinflammation begins even before the first clinically apparent relapse or acute lesion.1,2,4-8

  • Over the course of MS, acute neuroinflammation may decline, but smoldering neuroinflammation persists in the absence of relapses and acute lesions1
  • Disability accumulation driven by smoldering neuroinflammation can happen throughout the disease spectrum9


Illustration depicting shifting contribution to disability of acute and smoldering neuroinflammation. naSPMS=non-active secondary progressive MS; RRMS=relapsing-remitting MS.

Illustration of a smoldering brain and a magnifying glass showing microglia in the brain

With the increasing contribution of smoldering neuroinflammation to disability accumulation over the course of MS, specific therapeutic approaches that address this process across the disease spectrum from RRMS to naSPMS are required.


Hear from the experts

Bhupendra O. Khatri, MD, FAAN, discusses the onset of smoldering neuroinflammation at the 2023 AAN Annual Meeting

Smoldering Stories

Smoldering neuroinflammation may drive Albert's disability accumulation—hear his story.

Illustration of a book with a magnifying glass

Learn About the Impact

Identify the early physical and cognitive changes of disability accumulation

Explore the signs
Illustration of a brain connecting to a speech bubble

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